Invitation to Scientific lectures provided by Prof. Osama Shalabyeh

Under the Patronage of the Director General of the Royal Jordanian Geographic Centre

Brig. Gen. Dr. Awni  Mohammad Al-Khasawneh

On the celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the international astronomical union (IAU),

We are Pleased to invite you to Scientific lectures which

provided by Prof. Osama Shalabyeh and scheduled as follow:

Subject Date Time Vine
Stellar Formation  Evolution and Structure 27 jan 2019 10:30 AM Royal Jordanian Geographic Centre
space environment and the current challenges for space missions 28 jan 2019 10:30 AM Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Science
radio astronomy and discovering an invisible universe 29 jan 2019 10:30 AM Regional Center for Space Science and Technology Education for Western Asia

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